Causes of arthrosis of the knee joint

Stage of arthrosis of the knee joint

Arthrosis deformation of the knee joint is called gonartrosis in drugs-this is a degenerative-dystrophic disease in the knee hyalin cartilage, which includes femoral and tibia condyles.

With knee joint arthrosis, symptoms develop gradually, for years, the main manifestation of the disease is pain, stiffness during movement. It is a gonarthrosis that is considered the most common disease in other joint arthrosis, such as hip arthrosis, elbow or shoulder arthrosis, and fingerprint.

Often, the disease affects the face of over 40, the most vulnerable to arthrosis. Sometimes it develops in young people against the background of injury or athletes from excessive loads.

Knee arthrosis: symptoms, causes, stage of disease

Symptoms of knee arthrosis.

There are some symptoms of serious illness (bone arthritis, joints), and not all occur at once, but gradually as cartilaginus tissue is destroyed.

Consider the symptoms of knee joint arthrosis at all levels (stages) of the disease.

In the early stages, the patient had minimal discomfort, but though slightly, but the pain in the knee joint began to appear. Problems into travel or long climbing are a problem. Further, the pain that suffers from the body begins to worsen and the person has become uncomfortable in the knee, after some physical work or as it rises from an inactive position, when there is a burden on the lower limbs. In such cases, they feel sharp pain in the cartilage or in the knee joint. Such pain quickly left, but every time it returns.

In the next stage of the disease, not only the painful sensation is enhanced, but also begins to modify the knee. Because the fluid accumulates in the cartilagin tissue, the knee can be spherical and slightly swollen.

Next, everything is worse. If the disease is not treated, the blood circulation process is disrupted in the knee, the hyalin cartilage area, and the cartilage itself can crack, after which it will begin to collapse, and various types of growth will begin to appear on the bone structure. At this stage, the movement of the cartilage is very difficult, and every step is given to someone with difficulty. Walking causes severe pain, which practically does not end, and discomfort, cartilage degeneration occurs.

The last stage of the disease is when the knee joint is fully affected, there is no cartilage in the knee, and one who has no support is unable to sit and stand, unable to move completely, without severe pain in his motion.

  • Symptoms that need to respond. A person must respond even when the pain that occurs in the knee begins at little pressure and emphasizes on the feet, during walking or squats, the knee crisis occurs, when the movement is removed, his feet are tired quickly, swelling appears in the knee.
  • What to do if the joint is sick? If the knee joint starts to hurt or has a sharp pain in the cup when you get up and sit down, consult your doctor immediately. Do not wait until the knee joint arthrosis will hit the joints and cartilage completely, go to the doctor as soon as you feel the first symptoms of the disease. Remember, when the disease is impressed with cartilage tissue, bone deformation occurs and pain does not subside either day, or at night, or when walking, or without it.
  • When to contact a rheumatologist? A person should be addressed to a rheumatologist at the first manifestation (symptom) of the disease.
  • The main symptoms of arthrosis. The main symptoms of knee arthrosis, where you should build your attention: any pain in the knee or knee, which someone feels when lifting from a sitting or lying position, while walking; the pain that shows itself in the knee cup during the elevator on the stairs; The occurrence of the pain syndrome immediately after someone out of the rest, for example, went up after sitting and starting to move.

Causes of knee joint arthrosis.

Knee joint arthrosis can hit a person for a number of reasons - this is age (for years - years of cartilage wear), and intense physical therapy in the feet or feet, and a variety of knee injuries, and more.

The main cause of the development of arthrosis:

  1. Excessive weight.
  2. Old age.
  3. Descent.
  4. Osteoporosis.
  5. Deficiency in the body of vitamins and the useful trace elements needed for bones.
  6. Special work with continuous load on the knee cup.
  7. Metabolic disorders.
  8. Sports (intensive training, load on one foot or both feet).
  9. Knee injury.

To avoid defects, you should consult with rheumatology in time for qualified help.

What happens to the joints with arthrosis.

At each stage of the disease, the modification occurs in the cartilage, in the joints and bones of the knee.

Therefore, at the beginning of the development of the disease, the cartilage softens, becoming very exposed. Further, microcracks and small tears, which gradually increase, appear on the surface of the joints. Next stage - cartilage begins to grow and increase thickness. The final stage is the complete destruction of the cartilage on a particular part or a certain number of joints.

Arthrosis of the knee joint, the stage of the disease

All rheumatologists reveal three degrees of human knee arthrosis.

First. It is characterized by a small narrowing of the slot directly between the joints itself, leading to little discomfort and no movement constraints.

The second. Above, doctors record cracks between joints, formation of osteophytes and cysts, the appearance of a strong crisis in the knee.

The third and last. Above there are changes in the form of osteophytes, partial or complete changes (destruction) of the bone occur, the movement of the knee in the knee becomes impossible.

The level of arthrosis of the knee joint

  • 1 degree knee arthrosis. At this stage, the disease only appears, the cartilage almost entire and the bone is not defective. Currently, people feel rare in the knee cup with some, even a trivial burden on their feet. The pain passed, but then they appeared again and again, passing and appearing again, became more frequent, swelling could begin, which, according to the patient's observation, occurs without taking pills and use of ointment.
  • 2 -degree knee arthrosis. This level has been characterized by pain slightly compared to the early stages. The pain occurs not only if there is an intensive burden, but also by regular walking, when lifting the severity, as it rises from the sitting position. Different knees are beginning to hear. Already at the stage shown begins gradually, slowly or intensively (depending on the body's personality), the joints of the defects, the human movement becomes limited.
  • 3 -degree knee joint arthrosis. In the end, and this is the third, the level of our disease, the symptoms -the symptoms have been very stated, the pain in the knee joint is common, and the bone modification is significant by the eyes. Human mobility is almost limited, it is very difficult for patients to choose an easy position for themselves, the pain does not subside.

Knee joint arthrosis - symptoms and treatment

General symptoms include:

  • feeling of pain in the knee cup when a person moves (the onset of the disease);
  • Pain in the affected area, which daily becomes stronger;
  • night pain in the knee joint;
  • edema in the area affected by the disease;
  • Knee dry clams;
  • Bone deformation in the area affected by the disease.

The main symptom of the arthrosis of the knee joint

The main symptoms (the main, according to the Doctor-Russia) arthrosis symptoms are four.

These include:

  • pain during knee movement;
  • Dry crunch in the affected area;
  • reduction of ability to move foot feet;
  • Change of external affected area (full or partial).
  • Diagnosis and treatment for knee joint arthrosis.

After carefully examining the patient, the rheumatologist assesses the situation, changing his view to the changes that the eye can see in the area of one knee or both and their direct mobility. Probing methods set a place of pain and crisis, as well as the intensity of this pain.

In addition to X -ray for patients, doctors prescribe computed tomography and (or) MRI. These studies are needed to create accurate diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

Treatment of knee arthrosis, treatment method

Treatment of arthrosis -where the knee joint stage includes:

  • Methods of treatment using medicines;
  • treatment methods using special training and physiotherapy therapy;
  • treatment methods using the most common massage;
  • Surgical intervention.

What provides effective therapy.

Effective therapy prescribed by a doctor contributes to:

  • the removal of sharp pain;
  • the recovery of the destroyed cartilagin tissue (if possible, the result depends on the level of the disease);
  • Increased mobility joint.

In the removal of knee arthrosis, exercise therapy plays a special role, a special diet based on legumes and dairy products and massage. If the therapy is prescribed for one reason or another does not show the desired result, the patient is prescribed surgery to install a special prosthesis that replaces the joints.

Knee joint arthrosis: treatment, medicine

Competent treatment with tissue arthrosis -Knee joint cartilaginus (cartilage composition) prescribed by rheumatologists including the entire drug complex. This treatment complex usually includes:

  • Nesteroid, aimed at eliminating inflammation, medicine.
  • Chondroprotectors.
  • Special cream or ointment.
  • Therapeutic agents based on compressed.

Often, for the treatment of knee cartilage arthrosis, doctors prescribe any ibuprofen -where manufacturers, indomethacin are also from any production, ketoprofen, diclofenac, pyroxics and others.

The appointment of these medicines contributes to the elimination of rapid pain, as a result of the patient can begin fruiting treatment in other ways - massage methods, medical training, etc.

For ointment, most often for patients using (rubbing with massage movements to the pain area) the medicine in the form of dense ointment (cream) and gel, such as Diclofenac, Fastum, Ferbedon, Transivazin, Dolgit and others.

Special gel lists and ointments - external preparations for joints in the modern pharmacological market are very broad and varied, and therefore, at the suggestion of doctors, patients can choose from the most appropriate and effective amount in the case.

Some of the most popular recipes for traditional remedies for knee arthrosis.

  1. Treatment with the most common burdock or burdock. For treatment, it is necessary (need to take three strands of burdock (preferably take young leaves), attach it to the knee and wrap it with gauze, which is sold in any pharmacy, or bandage. Above Marley, it is also best to use a warm scarf. This procedure should be repeated daily before going to bed, leaving burdock leaves in a sick place all night.
  2. With arthrosis and plant juice, celandine will help. You need to buy or get your own juice celandine. Once saturated with juice like linen or other natural cloth, apply it to a sore place for 45-55 minutes. After removing the bandage, pour the joints immediately with vegetable oil. Repeat the treatment for at least 10 days, then take the same rest and repeat the course.
  3. Treatment of arthrosis by dandelion. For such therapy, it should create a collection of dandelion flowers. To get the right effect, people's healers recommend that patients eat five dandelion flowers on an empty stomach, previously lowered into boiled water and washed in it. In addition, from dandelion flowers, you can create special grinding infusion. To do this, a bank was taken, previously treated with boiling water, half filled with dandelion flowers, and poured (second half of jars) by conventional by any triple cologne. The product is placed in a dark place and covered under the lid. After 30 days, the infusion can be used to scrub the spots. The rubbing movement is performed clockwise for 20-30 seconds per knee.

After using this compression, about 75% of patients recorded significant improvement in their condition, decreased pain and almost complete losing of the knee character.

ShouldKeep in mind that the recipe for traditional medicine does not treat the disease, they can only add therapeutic treatment of treatment with medicines, making this course more effective.

If you provide any traditional medical method or provide raw materials properly for such tools, you cannot independently, it is best to buy the component at the pharmacy or ask to collect the growth of the knowledgeable people (folk healers, grandparents).

Therapeutic gymnastics

A special place in the treatment of arthrosis in the knee is occupied by special therapeutic gymnastics (exercise therapy). It is prescribed to the patient, regardless of the treatment process to increase the flow and flow of blood in the affected area, increase muscle strength and prevent contraction. Shown together with the use of special drugs.

LFK for arthrosis is not a specific treatment, it is an additional method of combating diseases prescribed in combination with special medicines.

Some therapeutic gymnastics exercises for treatment and prevention:

  1. It has to go to a difficult place (floor). Bend and immediate knee at once with both feet. It is recommended to repeat the training for 3-5 minutes as often as possible in a day. The load on both feet should be the same.
  2. Lying on the back, on the floor, crossing your feet with scissors (feet on the feet, first right foot from the top, then from the bottom), holding your knees in exposed condition. Such movements are recommended to be repeated daily. Exercise should not cause discomfort, with better pain to leave such exercises.
  3. Lying on your back, in a solid place, pushing it to your stomach, bending one leg in the knee. This movement, done daily, will help exclude you from the risk zone. This exercise is recommended to repeat daily for 3-4 minutes as often as possible. The load on both feet, as in the first case, should be the same.

Exercise therapy for the treatment of articular knee cartilage arthrosis will bring more benefits if you combine therapeutic training with a special massage.

The changes that can be seen in the situation with the use of physiotherapy training in patients can occur within 7-10 days.

If you can't do your own training therapy, it is best to reject the training.

Knee joint arthrosis: symptoms, treatment, prevention and first diet

In conclusion, they want to see that after discovering the first symptoms of the disease, and this is a pain in the knee joint and a characteristic crisis, immediately go to the doctor and start a special treatment with medication.

A diet that will help arthrosis.

Immediately if you find arthrosis or to prevent the disease, check your regular diet. In a daily diet, there should be steamed or boiled dishes. It is best if foods that have beneficial effects on bones, ligaments, joints, and cartilage are used in foods. Such products include: all beans, cottage cheese, cheese type, soup, grilled fish, grilled fish, hazelnut, almonds, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, prepared based on bone.

The diet described above is not a special treatment method, for effective treatment it should be used in combination with medicines, medical training and massage.

First Group Reason: Factor and age factor


Knee joint arthrosis is a disease in which her descendants are quite significant. So, if you are a woman, and your mother has osteoarthritis in any form (not all-knees), then the probability of getting the disease is 2-3 times higher than the average in the population. If you have a younger sister and they are also sick with arthrosis, then the probability of appearing more.

In addition, there are diseases with hereditary tendencies where connective tissue is affected - so -called collagenos, including, for example, stickler syndrome. In the presence of such defects in collagen parts - a substance that is part of the ligaments - the likelihood of developing the disease is also increasing.

Partly to the causes of knee arthrosis, adjacent endocrine system diseases: diabetes mellitus, lack of female sex hormones in menopause and several other conditions.


Unfortunately, the older people become, the higher they are at risk for osteoarthrosis. This is due to the fact that with the age of cartilage ability for regeneration and recovery falls, and the metabolism in the joints decreases.

Therefore, if at age 45, the disease suffers from 1. 5. to 3-4% of the population (US data), then almost every third person is sick of 45 to 65 years (30%). And at the age of 65 to 85, the frequency of development of the disease is up to 80 or more percent!

In addition, in mature patients, the development of the disease is influenced not only by age, but also by hormone changes. Therefore, in women in menopause, the probability of development of osteoarthritis increases significantly. This is due to the fact that estrogen - female sex hormones - control the metabolism in the joints, cartilage, bones and ligaments. As they become smaller (when menopause), the metabolism in the tissues is worsening and the risk of osteoarthrosis increases significantly.

The second group of causes: congenital disease and acquired the musculoskeletal system

Inflammation of the joint

Inflammation of the knee joint (arthritis, more precisely, the drive) is one of the most common causes of gonarthrosis. Unfortunately, most microorganisms that penetrate the joints and cause their inflammation to contribute to the fact that the cartilage is defective. At the same time, its nutrition increases significantly, the shape of the cartilagin surface changes bone, etc.

For all these reasons, the normal sliding of the cartilage in the articular bone is interrupted. This leads to additional trauma of cartilage, exacerbates the amount of movement in the joints and, to the end, creates a very fertile soil for the development of osteoarthrosis.

The operation and injury of the knee

Another major cause of the disease is the presence of knee injury and surgical intervention on it. There are often one and the other - for example, when, as a result of sports injuries, removal of meniscus operations is carried out. The normal function of the joints is affected, the load on the cartilage changes, increasing in unusual places, and as a result, knee osteoarthrosis is formed.

Metabolic disorders in the body

The cartilage in the joints is one of the few, nutrition that does not occur through the delivery of nutrients through the blood vessels. The cartilage is "eaten" by the spread of nutrients from the synovial fluid, as well as directly from the pineal gland according to the same principle.

This is a relatively delicate and fragile mechanism, so if various metabolic disorders occur in the body, it can break and stop working. Therefore, some diseases in which the metabolism in the body is highly disturbed can contribute to osteoarthrosis.

The disease includes major and secondary gout, joint chondromatosis, hemochromatosis, ocronosis, and Wilson-Konovalov disease and several other diseases. In addition, endocrine disease can also be added to this group which also affects metabolism throughout the body - diabetes mellitus and female sex hormone deficiency (estrogen) in old age due to menopause.

Third Group Reason: Microtrauma load increases and cartilage

Hard sports and physical work at work

As mentioned, cartilage nutrition is a very delicate mechanism that can interfere with not only metabolic problems, but also increase the burden on the knee joint.

This occurs quite frequently with intensive sports, as well as when a person's work involves high physical activity, as well as standing on his feet without the ability to sit and rest.

At the same time, certain muscle groups (for example, lower leg and thigh muscles) are overstrain. This exacerbates nutrition in the muscles and joints, which means that there is a problem with metabolism in the cartilage, when the cartilage simply does not have the time to recover after a strong physical effort in the joints.

Diagnosis of arthrosis

Knee joint arthrosis should be distinguished (distinguished) from rheumatism, inflammation and several other diseases with the same symptoms.

For this, standard examination standards have been adopted, including general biochemical blood tests, radiographic examination, MRI and ultrasound.

With arthrosis, blood tests do not show significant deviation from the norm. Changes in blood composition, increased levels of immune cells and antibodies usually indicate other diseases.

Because arthrosis is not clear in the analysis in any way, the only reliable way to diagnose it is hardware examination.

X -ray, as the most common and cheapest method of inspection, can accurately identify arthrosis and stage.

In the picture, structural changes in the joints and bones are clearly distinguished. The X -Ray examination allows to detect structural deformation, determining defects on the articular surface.

For reliable gonarthrosis determination and its developmental stages, additional inspection is used in conjunction with X -Ray: on ultrasound, MRI apparatus or CT.

The methodology for the diagnosis of arthrosis is designed to ensure the proper detection of the disease in the early stages of development, which will effectively treat it.

Unfortunately, due to the specificity of the disease, the effectiveness of this approach is small: patients tend to not pay attention to poor pain and slight chrome, and are taken to doctors who are already in the second or third stage of gonarthrosis.

Additional suggestions: Prevention

Preventive steps are intended to eliminate risk factors that lead to the development of arthrosis.

It is recommended to engage in moderate physical activity. In this case, the possibility of injury, overvoltage and joint hypothermia should be avoided.

As mentioned above, no relationship between diet and risk of developing arthrosis has been established.

However, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of salty and spicy foods, alcohol and cigarettes: this will improve the body's general condition and reduce the burden on the joints.

With the presence of family history, which shows a genetic tendency, physical examination should be regularly undergoing. In general, the prevention of arthrosis is to live a simple lifestyle. It is important not to start the disease and consult your doctor with a little suspicion of arthrosis.